Friends of the West Hollywood Library supports the informational, educational, recreational, and cultural programs and services provided by the Library for all people in the community. In addition, the Friends enrich the Library’s collections, facilities, technology and services through fundraising, outreach, and advocacy. The award-winning Friends of the West Hollywood Library is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation.
We depend on our members and volunteers to help maintain the Library as the intellectual, literary, artistic, and cultural center of the City.
Become a member. We can’t do it without you!

Help us to maintain this valuable resource.
Donate books and media to the bookstore.
Volunteer at events. Share your talents.

Nestled in the corner of the auto court on the way to the Library is one of the most interesting used bookstores you will ever visit. All items in our store are donated and include books, media, and collectibles. All proceeds from the bookstore support the West Hollywood Library.